Home > Mac OS > My Roadmap on Mac OS X

My Roadmap on Mac OS X

Just like what I did for my fedora roadmap, here comes my Mac OS X one.

1. Instant message: Adium, http://adium.im/
2. video chat: skype, http://www.skype.com
3. irc client, colloquy, http://colloquy.info/
4. chinese input, just use the built-in one directly, here is an post about the chinese input, and also can use the chinese language for the whole mac osx. http://appleclinic.wordpress.com/2008/04/16/chinese-text-input/
5. firefox, In case you still like to use the firefox in your mac box, yes, it works great. http://www.firefox.com
6. twitter client, twitterrific: http://iconfactory.com/software/twitterrific
7. QQ, this one should be very china specific, :), good news is that we do have a Mac OS X QQ as beta right now.
8. QuickSilver, this is a new tool compared to what I had in both windows and linux, it makes people really easy to start application, you can download and install it from here. http://www.blacktree.com/
9. Textmate, this one is a lot of rubyists choice on doing ruby on rails.. http://macromates.com/, not free though.
10. Skitch, http://skitch.com/, make it easy to share screenshot etc.
11. Eclipse, this is still my preference for java programming.
12. Macports, this is a utility more like Fedora’s Yum, Ubuntu’s apt-get.
13. Growl, this is a great software for the notifications.
14. dropbox, this is a pretty good software if you want to sync stuff between mac and iphone.

If you want to install JDK5 in the snow leopard, here is a good solution to this problem, http://www.scribd.com/doc/22853741/Installing-Java-5-Back-on-Snow-Leopard, Here I’d like to thank Kurt, strong, liweinan for making some suggestions on these softwares. 😉

At last, this is what I had, http://skitch.com/jeffyu/dp3pm/fullscreen. 😉

please let me know what else you believe that I should try out.

Categories: Mac OS
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