Home > Database, Postgresql > Create Database and user in Postgres and Mysql.

Create Database and user in Postgres and Mysql.

Since I worked in SOA area, haven’t touched the database for couple years, although in some projects, I need to test against various database (Mysql, Postgres, Oracle etc), but it is very basic stuff, like create database, users etc.

This post basically is a memo for me, I need to work with various DBs from time to time, and think it is best to record it in my blog, instead of looking into the manual again. ;-). Also, you could see this is a follow-up post for my previous postgres installation blog.

1. Postgres

1) connect Postgres

psql -h localhost -U postgres

2) add user

create user jeff with password ‘jeff’

3) create database

create database jeffdb

4) grant db to user

grant all privileges on database jeffdb to jeff

Log out with “\q” command

Log in jeffdb through user jeff:

psql -d jeffdb -U jeff

2. Mysql

1) connect mysql

mysql -u root -p ‘urpassword’

2) create database

create database jeffdb

3) allow user jeff to connect to the server from localhost using the password jeff

grant usage on *.* to jeff@localhost identified by ‘jeff’;

4)grant all privileges on the jeffdb database to this user

grant all privileges on jeffdb.* to jeff@localhost ;

Log out and log in through jeff user.

mysql -u jeff -p’jeff’ jeffdb

1. How to add postgres user and create db
2. Create mysql database and set privileges into a user

Categories: Database, Postgresql
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